Be the Beyonce of Your Own Life: Tarra Stubbins

With an impressive resume spanning over two decades, Tarra Stubbins is not your average CEO / Founder.  As a certified Lifestyle Manager, Accountability and Time Management Coach, and Celebrity Concierge, she has mastered the art of helping others achieve their goals and soar to RockStar status.  

 Tarra spent a thrilling decade on the road, supporting legendary musicians like The Rolling Stones, Lady Gaga, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and even KISS.  Her firsthand knowledge comes from managing the chaotic schedules and lives of these rockstars and many 7-figure CEOS and executives.  Through many years of being a sponge in the celebrity world, Tarra has honed her expertise and shaped her into a powerhouse of practical time management strategies.  

This success dynamo has graced the world's largest conference stages and made waves across the media landscape.  Her no-nonsense style and purpose driven approach to time management will revolutionise the way you tackle each day.  Say goodbye to multitasking madness and hello to a life filled with meaningful moments.  She speaks on : “Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneurial Celebrity” and “Be the Beyonce of Your Own Life”

Website and Social Media:

 Twitter: @tarrastime

IG: tarra_concierge

LinkedIn: Tarra Stubbins

FB: Take It Easy Rock Stars

Book Recommendations:

  1. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi

  2. Think and Grow Rich is a book written by Napoleon Hill

  3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth


Having a Business as a Ministry: Elizabeth Raxter, J.D., CELA


Close the Wealth Gap Between Men & Women Through Real Estate Investing: Sarah Miskelly